What is a Fire Safety Risk Assessment ?


A fire safety risk assessment is required following the completion of the fire safety assessment of the apartment building, utilising the “Code of Practice for the Fire Safety Assessment of Premises and Buildings” (2022).

It evaluates and categorises the level of risk arising from each item identified during the fire safety assessment, aiding in the prioritisation of any mitigation or remedial works required.

Risk Assessment Process

The process includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Information about the premises, materials, and defects.
  2. Identification of fire defects (hazards) and actual fire safety measures taken.
  3. Assessment of the nature of the impact of the defect in the event of a fire.
  4. Assessment of the contribution of the fire protection measures.
  5. Evaluation of current and potential fire safety management measures.
  6. Consideration of likely consequences in the event of a fire.
  7. Assessment of the relative contribution to fire risk control provided by remedial action.
  8. Formulation of an action plan and engagement with the Fire Authority.
  9. Periodic review of the implementation of the schedule of remedial actions.

Assessing the Overall Risk Rating for Each Item The risk of harm from a fire safety defect is related to the severity of its outcome if it materialises.

Risk Assessment Steps:

  1. Assign a Likelihood Rating

    • Rare/remote
    • Unlikely
    • Possible
    • Likely
    • Almost certain
  2. Assign an Impact Rating

    • Negligible harm (1)
    • Minor harm (2)
    • Moderate harm (3)
    • Major harm (4)
    • Extreme harm (5)
  3. Calculate Overall Risk Rating

    • Combine likelihood and impact ratings to give an overall risk rating.

Establishing the Overall Risk Rating for Each Risk Item

The product of the two scoring outcomes provides an overall risk rating, based on the table:

  • Table 1 – Risk rating for each risk item; &
  • Table 2 – Priority ratings.

Documentation of the Fire Safety Risk Assessment(s)

Following risk assessment, the matters of concern and fire safety defects identified in the fire safety assessment, should be presented in a tabular form in a fire safety risk assessment report.

The fire safety risk assessment report should include an appropriate plan and timeline for the mitigation of each risk item.

The fire safety risk assessment report may subsequently be developed into a schedule of remedial works.

Aidan O'Connell

FIEI, Chartered Engineer

Aidan is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of Engineers Ireland with over 38 years of experience in the design, project management, and construction sectors. He has a deep understanding of the industry and needs of clients and leverages this experience to deliver tailor made solutions that align with each client’s goals and objectives.

Aidan is an Expert Contributor to the National Standards Authority Ireland (NSAI) and regularly acts as an Expert Witness for all major insurers in Ireland and the U.K. He is recognised as an industry leading expert in the  identification and remediation of latent defects related to Fire Safety, Structures, Water Ingress, and Cladding problems and has only in the last year successfully completed a number of large multimillion remediation projects in Ireland, the U.K. and Europe, specifically targeting Fire Safety and Water Ingress matters. Aidan’s knowledge and experience across numerous regulatory and legal jurisdictions ensures a very comprehensive and balanced approach to all projects.

Aidan holds a Bachelor’s in Engineering from University College Dublin and several other technical and project management qualifications from Trinity College, demonstrating his passion for and commitment to continued professional development.


Contact by email: aidan@firesafetyconsultants.ie